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Energy Breakdown Question...

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:22 pm
by rhettpep
I have a difficult situation regarding Sterlings I am attempting to

Assuming a 100K cold side and a 300K hot side

What is the % mechanical energy I might get out of such a situation
(rough estimates are fine)

What % of the energy might go to heating up the cold side
(rough estimates are fine)

What % of the energy would just 'cancel out' within the cylinder

Will all three of these % breakdowns cover 100% all of the energy
involved in the thermal drop from 300K - 100K? Am I missing any
general catagory of energy movement?

How well would these estimates work for a 500k hot side vs a 300k
cold side, fairly well or not at all?

Thank you!

Energy Breakdown Question

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:16 pm
by stan.hornbaker
Given a hi temp of 300K and low temp of 100K the Carnot efficiency is given by n = (Th -Tc)/Th or (300 - 100)/300 = 2/3 or .667
This is the maximum possible.

Since this is in a temperature area below ambient the machine would more likely be driven by a motor and used as a refrigerator, removing energy from an insulated cold space and discharging the wast heat to the 300K enviorment with a COP of 1.5 more or less.